

The syllabus of Bharatanatyam is so drawn up that it enables the disciple to pick up, step by step, the intricacies of the art. It is methodical, systematic, and scientific.

Starting with vigorous training in footwork with the Ardha mandala posture, the disciple is taken through a course of movements of the feet and hands, the neck, and the eyes to represent various feelings and expressions and to provide specific effects.

Since the footwork consists of a series of adavus, korvais, jati, and teerumanam in different beats, this grounding is a must before the regular items of dance are learned. This practice is of utmost importance since that is what brings perfection to the artiste and her recital.

The completely organized setup of dance training and performance of Bharatanatyam is termed Margam. After a good deal of practice in the basics, the disciple becomes ripe for learning the regular items, or course which can be classified into six categories starting with Alärippu.