

A book by Bharata Muni called The Natya Shastra has a number of rules for Bharatanatyam. The many holding positions for the hands, eyes, head, neck, and legs when dancing are covered in these regulations.

There are three shlokas that pertain to the different movements of each part of the body.
Dhrishti Bheda
Shiro Bheda
Greeva Bheda

Dhristi Bheda (eye movements)
Sanskrit’s word for “vision” is “drishthi.” We can categorize various movements based on how we move our eyes according to Drishti Bedha. Each of these movements has its own identity, even though we utilize them all on a daily basis. There are nine distinct eye movement kinds in Drishti Bheda.

Shiro Bheda (head movements)
Shira means “head” in Sanskrit. Shiro Bhedas are referred to as head movements. We can categorize various head movements with the use of Shiro Bhedas. Bhava is also communicated when doing various head positions. There are nine different forms of head movements in Shiro Bheda.

Greeva Bheda (neck movements)
Greeva means “neck” in Sanskrit. Greeva Bhedas are neck movements. The quality and style of Abhinaya are improved by these Bedhas. Grace and Nritta depend on neck movements. There are four different types of neck movements in Greeva Bhedas.